Welcome to Black Widow Tuned Performance Exhaust. Our mufflers will be available for purchase mid 2014.

Goodguys Drawing Winners

Our first push to get the word out nationally began with a sponsorship to the Goodguys National Autocross competition in April of 2013. If you're a winner of a Black Widow muffler(s) and have questions, contact us at [email protected]

To learn more about the Goodguys National Autocross, click on the link below.

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Muffler Availability

Product availability has been delayed but we're motivated to get mufflers out and available for everyone. Those of you who can't get your hands on them, we understand… and we're just as anxious. Early-mid 2014 looks very promising, so please hold tight and we'll let everyone know ASAP! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions. Thank you.